36 Prude Edits and Tweaks That Bring Shame Upon the Houses of Pop-Culture Censors

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36 Prude Edits and Tweaks That Bring Shame Upon the Houses of Pop-Culture Censors

They dont build statues of critics. Except for that one of Roger Ebert.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Dumbest censorship Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Ninjas are violent, so the turtles had to be heroes in the U.K. CRACKED.COM

Fifty Shades of Gray

X The Vietnamese version of Fifty Shades of Gray had no sex. Vietnamese audiences were confused when they saw a theatrical version of Fifty Shades of Gray in which all of the sex scenes were cut out. By editing out 20 minutes of screen time and leaving only a few kisses, Vietnamese censors angered audiences and left them bewildered by an ending that made no sense. CRACKED.COM



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