33 Trivia Tidbits About Pop Music

Once you pop, the fun don’t stop! Wait, that slogan is about pop music, right?
33 Trivia Tidbits About Pop Music

Wait, so not only were these songs bangers, but they also had cool backstories? Some songs have all the luck. Do you know how many songs out there never get heard by more than like 15 people, while also having zero interesting “making-of” stories? We’re not exactly sure, but it’s gotta be a lot. 

We’ll find that stat for one of our many stats-based lists. For now, let’s stick to the tunes!

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Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera's big break was thanks to Mulan Her successful single Reflection from the 1998 Disney movie led to her record signing and releasing Genie in the Bottle. CRACKED.COM


The Backstreet Boys

Backstreet Boys are the most successful boy band. In the rivalry between *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys, BSB sweeps on the basis of commercial success. They are one of the bestselling artists of all-time. CRACKED.COM



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