20 Animal Species Most Likely to Be Aliens

‘Mosquitos… stealing blood samples without us knowing’
20 Animal Species Most Likely to Be Aliens

The idea that aliens are little gray men with huge black eyes and bulbous heads is so commonly accepted that it represents extraterrestrial life on the most important symbolic language we have (the emoji keyboard), but it’s almost certainly wrong. It probably stems from an episode of a ‘60s TV show, for one thing, and there’s no reason to believe something that evolved on a completely different planet would look so humanoid. Hell, there are tons of species on this planet that look nothing like humans.

In fact, some of those species are so weird that you wouldn’t be altogether surprised to find out they didn’t come from this planet. It would be a pretty cunning plan on the aliens’ part: simply plant one of their own among us and wait for Darwin to catalog it. They could spy on us as freely as they like, especially if we think they’re very cute. Then again, being cute and cuddly might also work against their goals.

There are a lot of factors to consider, which is why user stefanke asked r/AskReddit, “If it was discovered that one animal species had actually been aliens that have been spying on Earth this entire time, what species would you expect it to be?”

Here’s who their fellow Redditors thought could be out-of-this-world…

hungryorange 10y ago Butterflies. No one suspects the butterfly.
Dirk-Killington 10y ago Edited 10y ago Platypus. Definitely the platypus. Little alien fucks.
Milkyway_Squid 10y ago It totally isnt squids...
YelrahRehguab 10y ago Narwhals. They are very weird sea unicorns.
TwinkieDestroyer 10y ago Penguins, tried to dress to fit in.
MindlessCaptain 10y ago Ants, they're so efficient it's almost scary
IRanToday 10y ago Mosquitos... Stealing blood samples without us knowing.
FreshSn0w87 . 10y ago Kangaroos. Watch one video of a kangaroo fighting and you'll know what I mean
Gamzee_Makara_TC . 10y ago raccons.they shift through the garbage searching for information about us
FingerTheCat 10y ago Fucking jellyfish man, they ARE aliens. You shred them up and will just multiply!
 10y ago Cuttlefish, dude. Just look at them. They have eight tentacles and two arms on their faces and weird wavy fins. Speaking of looking, cuttlefish have W-shaped eyes. Did you ever notice how the center of your vision is clearer than the rest? This is called a fovea, and cuttlefish have two in each eye. Although they can't see color, they can perceive the polarization of light. Also unlike puny vertebrate vision, no blind spot. They smartly have the optic nerve behind the retina. This guy also has three hearts, which pump blue-green blood, one for each gill
w3djyt 10y ago Fucking Ravens. Found just about everywhere. Intelligent as fuck. Easy to keep an eye on everything if you can fly. Like to fuck with people. Somehow still manage to be seen more as prankster animals than something with actual intelligence.
thebageljew 10y ago Cows, I mean why do U.F.O's pull them in? Because they want to be out in an open field where no one is around to see them. Farmers are too dumb to even notice, no one will ever believe them. Its so freaking obvious.
The_Grayphantom 10y ago Anyone that has read the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy knows its mice.
Beboprockss 10y ago Parrots, they repeat to keep us unaware, but they retain everything they hear, and are relaying information telepathically to their alien overlords.
RealStumbleweed 10y ago I think it's turtles, man. They just pull their little heads and arms in because they've got a computer in there and they're just typing away sending messages to the mothership which is actually just another larger turtle.
dinosquirrel 10y ago Cats, hands down. What better way to send a nice little fuck you than be worshipped, pampered, and cared for by your target; keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But seriously, if they wanted to get info on us they wouldn't have to try. They sit on our laps at the computer, while watching tv, reading damn near anything, sit in the room during our conversations, they pretend to sleep and clearly hide their transmission devices in their bellies, you can never touch.
cheastyxd 10y ago Snails. All slow and small & slimey. They got those weird ass eyes that go into their body when you touch them & those motherfuckers even got their own shell to live in rent free. Shit, who knows what the fuck snails are even tryna do on a day to day basis other then spy on us. You ever see a snail on the wall of your house and think how the fuck he got there with out you noticing seen as they asses so slow. Ima tell you, they teleport onto your wall. How? Cause they
lalo_92 10y ago Flies, they are literally everywhere great for surveillance and gathering data. Plus they always do that menacing looking hand rub when they aren't flying like they're plotting world domination or some shit.
soylon 10y ago Water bears. From wikipedia: they can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water (100°C), pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for more than 10 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce. Now if that doesn't scream bioengineered micro surveillance drone I don't


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