29 Puzzling Objects That Somehow Inhabit the Same Universe As You

Objectively cool objects
29 Puzzling Objects That Somehow Inhabit the Same Universe As You

We wouldn’t describe ourselves as materialistic, but if certain objects have deep, interesting backstories, they get us licking our chops for sure. Their rarity increases our reverence, too. 

Since our office is basically a broom closet, though, we’re more than happy to revere them from afar. Even if we could afford them, we don’t have the space. We’re tripping over brooms and mops as it is. 

Okay, you caught us. It’s an actual broom closet.

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The Tucson Artifacts

BS Ancient Artifacts (24) November a 1925 - Sword a pinces)-Depth: 72 The Tucson Artifacts In 1924, a man found two ancient- looking, 60-pound lead crosses in Tucson. Then his friends found around 30 more artifacts, and took them as proof Roman-era Jews had lived in Arizona between 775 to 900 С.Е. Plot twist: Everything was just lame forgeries, with their Hebrew and Latin messages lifted straight from textbooks. CRACKED.COM



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