35 Trivia Tidbits About Unbelievable Statistics

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35 Trivia Tidbits About Unbelievable Statistics

We’re just gonna go right ahead and say it: Numbers are magic. They’ve magically turned the unbelievable into the believable. Since we’re pretty skeptical by nature, we tried finding some strings or mirrors that would give the trick away. But as far as we can tell, these numbers are legit. 

We walked into this list not believing a single one of these shocking stats, but we left as true believers. We think you will too.

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The Earning Potential of Popular Kids

People who are popular in school earn more money as adults. Scientists conducted a long-term survey where they interviewed high school students, then tracked them down 35 years later. They found that kids in the top fifth of the popularity rankings earned 10% more than those who were in the bottom fifth. CRACKED.COM



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