20 of the Most Hilariously Lopsided Battles in History

The human inclination toward the underdog is a curious thing. You’d think it would be our tendency to side with the guy most likely to win, but for some reason, whether it’s a romantic comedy or the Super Bowl, we absolutely hate people who are good at things. We want the loser with a heart of gold to win, probably because, deep down, we suspect we are that loser. Heart of gold debatable.
But sometimes, Goliath is simply so comically bigger than David that David should probably just sit this one out. It’s happened over and over in history — whether literally outnumbered, outarmed or out-sensed, ragtag bands of misfits have fought the power, usually to lose immediately. When user MidnightQ_ asked r/AskReddit, “What are historical examples of ‘don’t pick fights you can’t win?’” the replies abounded with little guys who got their asses handed to them.