20 Ways Those Hogwarts Kids Would Definitely Abuse Magic

‘Magic-based eating disorders’
20 Ways Those Hogwarts Kids Would Definitely Abuse Magic

The wizarding world of Harry Potter is complicated enough as it is, with all those arbitrary rules of magic physics and weird racism, but when you consider that it’s also viewed through the perspective of teenagers, it’s a wonder that it doesn’t get even more convoluted. Those kids had actual magic at their actual fingertips, and frankly, they didn’t abuse it nearly enough. Sure, Fred and George had their Marauder’s Map, Hermione took advantage of magical cosmetic dentistry and the whole gang alohomora’d every locked door, but they were just using what they had. Why does a door-unlocking spell even exist? Why even have locks at that point?

You just know that, if Hogwarts really existed, that potent combination of hormones, all but unlimited power and a troubling lack of supervision would produce a number of prickly situations, occasionally literally. For just one example, “Muggle-born students would get expelled because they posted videos of themselves performing magic on social media,” Redditor Animeking1108 suggested. Phones supposedly don’t work at Hogwarts, but it’s unclear if that extends to cameras, and they can always wait until Christmas break to upload. Loophole, bro.

They then asked r/AskReddit, “How would teenagers realistically misuse magic at Hogwarts?” and Reddit cast quite a few naughty spells in return.

CorgisDie 2y ago Turning water into rum.
slightofhand1 . 2y ago Magic based eating disorders would probably be a thing.
Youpunyhumans 2y ago Well... the porno mags would basically have gifs.
moofree 2y ago Un-vanish all the centuries of vanished poop.
T_raltixx 2y ago Shitting in the fireplace and sending it to a mate.
cowpool20 2y ago People changing their looks would 100% be more common.
aniacret 2y ago The room of requirements would probably be a sex room. Or a place to grow magically enchanted weed plants
HorrorxHeart 2y ago Knock knock. Custodian: Hello, is anyone in there? What's that smell? Wizard: I'll be out in a minute! Evanesco, Evanesco, Evanesco! *bong disappears*
agirl1313 . 2y ago You know the joke where you hold up two fingers behind someone's head and say they have bunny ears. Students walking around Hogwarts with actual bunny ears.
Gryffindorphins 2y ago As someone who went to an all girls school in the 90s, I can imagine a lot of glittery colour changing stationery, moving butterfly hair clips, levitating books because those things get heavy and more deviously magical ways to pass notes/communicate with friends in other classes.
StuckinReverse89 2y ago The young ones would probably cast itching or tickling spells on each other, making students good at deflecting spells. As they get older, probably experiment on enlarging things or other beauty attempts like clearing acne.
dan0314 2y ago There would be a lot of accidental fatalities between getting your wand and getting on the Hogwarts Express
pulpexploder . 2y ago Think about how much you want to bang your crush, then sit in front of that mirror that shows you what you want and masturbate.
SuvenPan 2y ago Students using ascendio on others while they are on the moving stairwell.
PM_ME_LADY_SHOULDERS 2y ago Explosio rectumsphincter!
 2y ago Furries: Oh no, a cat hair got in my polyjuice potion again
Heroshade 2y ago The first spell everyone learns makes things levitate. All the girls wear skirts. Do the math.
Callipygian_Linguist . 2y ago Love Potions Those things are literal date rape drugs if you're so inclined to use them that way. If the books were in any way realistic Viktor Krum would have had his pumpkin juice roofied on an hourly basis.
 2y ago You saw that when James Potter suspended Snapes in the air for no reason. Bullying would be 100 times worse.
AdmiralAkbar1 2y ago Every year there's a different boy who ends up in the infirmary after using engorgio on his dick and fainting from the rush of blood.


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