23 Everyday Items to Hoard for the Upcoming Apocalypse

When it comes to apocalypses (apocalypsodes?), people tend to get tunnel vision. That’s understandable, as they may very well be taking shelter in an abandoned tunnel, but in any event, they’re liable to overvalue certain inventory. Even those who like to think of themselves as prepared for anything have probably mostly surrounded themselves with guns, ammo, food, ammo, first aid supplies, and more ammo.
Don’t get us wrong: All of those things are necessary in an apocalypse, provided it wasn’t caused by a tsunami of peace. But it betrays a disregard for the little things everyone needs to stay comfortable or at least alive in the event that your local Walmart’s going-out-of-business sale has come and gone. And the people who stockpile those things are going to be the real royalty of the ruins.
Thankfully, Reddit reminded us of those things after user DrillSargeee asked r/AskReddit, “What common household item would be priceless in a post-apocalyptic scenario?”