21 Historical Events As TIFU Posts

Oppenheimer would’ve had a doozy
21 Historical Events As TIFU Posts

Everyone makes mistakes, but some people, for some reason, want to immortalize them on the internet. That’s where the “TIFU” (“today I fucked up”) subreddit comes in. From accidentally stalking a woman to giving a dog too many treats, it’s basically There’s Something About Mary in real life. To the posters therein, getting laughs is simply more important than having dignity, and for that, we salute them.

After all, when you think about it, everything in history is a TIFU post. Somewhere along the line, someone fucked up, necessitating someone else behaving historically. Or maybe the fuck-up itself made history. Whatever the case, when user InnocentWalrus asked r/AskReddit, “What is a significant historical event that would make a great TIFU post?” there were plenty of candidates.

underthesycamore 10y ago TIFU - Oppenheimer
rubellious 10y ago TIFU by expanding from an extremely dense, hot state.
-doughboy 10y ago TIFU by having sex with Cleopatra (totally worth it though)
Mahhrat 10y ago TIFU the Pharoah's nose.
 10y ago TIFU by killing almost two dozen people with a giant wave of molasses.
RedBullRyan 10y ago TIFU by shooting a burglar 4 times through my bathroom door.
MegaArmo 10y ago TIFU by deciding to go through Belgium to get to France.
MushroomMountain123 . 10y ago TIFU by going against orders and invading Manchuria.
what_ever 10y ago Edited 10y ago TIFU by telling a black woman to sit in the back of my bus
 10y ago TIFU by throwing snowballs at British soldiers.
thisistherealneo 10y ago TIFU i dropped a hydrogen bomb on north Carolina while trying to fix it, thankfully it only blew up a little bit!
 10y ago TIFU by releasing the arrested Bolsheviks from prison. I thought it would help me, but no, I ended up starting another revolution.
Abusement_Park . 10y ago TIFU by letting my senators carry daggers.
teamkillbot 10y ago TIFU by giving a bunch of missiles to my pen pal in Cuba.
Astrochef12 10y ago TIFU by saying Man instead of A Man like I wanted.
spotty_hippo 10y ago TIFU by improvising an answer at a press conference and saying the East Berliners could cross the border.
 10y ago TIFU by missing the mark on my hit job of Archduke Ferdinand.
DaDaliLLama 10y ago Edited 9y ago TIFU by letting a big ass wooden horse into my city.
marcw227 10y ago TIFU by filling a massive balloon with hydrogen and sending it across the Atlantic.
fuktardy 10y ago Today I fucked up by not seeing a massive iceberg.
SlothyGaming 10y ago Edited 10y ago TIFU by Invading Russia So, throwaway for obvious reasons! Anyways, to the story. My army was getting pretty big and we wanted to raw resources and such for our personal gain. May *have gotten greedy. We do our typical crap of marching right there. Not stopping, not considering the risks, etc... We walked right in prepared for anything. Want to know what these nut jobs do? They slowly move back and burn everything they leave behind. Like, if they just gave us all their shit for free, we wouldn't of done this. We keep


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