21 Things People Learned in School That Have Since Been Debunked

‘You can see the Great Wall of China from the moon’
21 Things People Learned in School That Have Since Been Debunked

Over the course of our lives, we’ve watched what little we thought we knew turn out to be false. Pluto and its questionable planethood was possibly the first blow to our intelligence. But it didn’t stop there. We all remember being told that the Great Wall of China is visible from the moon, right? Well, that isn’t true either. 

In fact, a bunch of Redditors have gathered together to debunk pretty much all of the information that once felt like the cornerstone of our grade school education. And if you still think it takes years for chewing gum to make its way through your intestines, boy do I have news for you.

Eknoom 0 2y ago The food pyramid -brought to you by big grain 4.8K ...
Megannicoline 2y ago That you taste different things (bitter, sweet, sour, etc) on different parts of your tongue. I remember in elementary school doing the experiment where you drop liquids on different parts of your tongue to taste the difference. Turns out that's bullshit, you taste everything everywhere on your tongue and the experiment worked by confirmation bias. 2.8K ...
StupidOldAndFat 2y ago Funny enough, just had a conversation with my wife and my son about George Washington's wooden teeth. (They were not wooden). Не actually had lost all his teeth by 30 and is know to have had at least 4 sets of dentures. 1K ...
nimbusdimbus . 8y ago That men have one less rib 590 ...
purplecorndogs . 8y ago The Brontosaurus was debunked, but it's debunking also got debunked. 2.1K ...
Staubachlvr17 7y ago 00 Had a substitute science teacher once say that bumblebee flight violates the laws of physics No it doesn't 1.8K ...
Dragn555 7y ago Starting sentences with conjunctions was incorrect. Only found out the truth in my highschool senior year, when I got really into writing stories and looked up some tips. And lo and behold, it's grammatically fine to start a sentence with conjunctions. 358 ...
atlasraven e 7y ago People are either left-brained and creative or right-brained and pragmatic. No in-between. 621 ...
HOLUPREDICTIONS . 2y ago That cracking your fingers gives arthritis 3.7K ...
Kazak_the_Spacehound в 8y ago I distinctly remember being taught that the Sun was the biggest star in galaxy in 4th grade. Also that blood is blue until it's exposed to oxygen... 854 ...
HarmonicFlatulence . 7y ago You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, or else you'll become severely dehydrated. 3.2K ...
Barack-YoMama . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago That chewinggum will stay in your stomach for years if you'll swallow it 8.6K ...
-LifeOnHardMode- . 7y ago You can see the Great Wall of China from the moon. 9K ...
GhostFacePizza 7y ago You have 5 senses. 3.9K ...
VictorBlimpmuscle 7y ago During the height of the AIDS scare in the mid to late-80's, one of my health teachers taught us that HIV could be spread by simply hugging or touching someone infected with it. 14K ...
mre4you . 7y ago . Edited Зу ago That things you do bad in school go on your permanent record 8.9K ...
praeceps93 7y ago No one was actually burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials. While in England condemnation by the church actually did lead to some burnings, in the New England colonies the more secular laws called for hanging on suspicion of witchcraft. 13K ...
xeonisius . 7y ago I was taught in middle school that rivers take millions of years to change their flow path when in fact it's been shown to occur over decades.
NovaScotianer 7y ago I had a female teacher in grade 11 health teach us that guys can't pee with a erection, I told her she was wrong and she argued with me. Source: done it 12K ...
dylans-alias 9mo ago Carrots are good for night vision. This was a lie the British used to explain how they could spot German bombers during WWII. The truth, that they had broken the German Enigma machine and were decoding secret messages, was kept a secret for decades. The full story was not told until the 1990s. I consider the Enigma coverup to be the best kept secret in human history. 440 ...
RussianDino69 . 2y ago for some reason I learned in school that you can suck venom out of a snake bite. Don't do that... 719 ...


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