21 Fictional Characters Aliens Would Fear the Most

Okay, here’s the deal: Aliens have discovered Earth. They haven’t visited Earth, probably, otherwise they’d catch on fast, but they’ve discovered the civilization, such as it is, through some kind of media repository. Maybe Netflix. Possibly Kindle. The point is, they’ve learned all about us, but only through our movies, TV shows and books. And they think it’s all real.
There’s a lot to unpack there — they’re probably going to believe, for example, that we never bid each other goodbye when we hang up the phone. The question on everyone’s mind, however, is: Who are they afraid of? Who’s the one character in the entirety of the terrestrial canon that makes them say, “Fuck this place, let’s get as far away from it as we can?”
And by “everyone,” we mean user greylight999, who asked r/AskReddit, “Aliens have just discovered Earth but have never discovered fiction. As such, they think every book and live-action movie is real. What book character/movie actor do they fear the most and why?”
The responses made it very clear that maybe aliens have more reason to fear us than the other way around.