21 Fictional Characters Aliens Would Fear the Most

‘Mary Poppins’
21 Fictional Characters Aliens Would Fear the Most

Okay, here’s the deal: Aliens have discovered Earth. They haven’t visited Earth, probably, otherwise they’d catch on fast, but they’ve discovered the civilization, such as it is, through some kind of media repository. Maybe Netflix. Possibly Kindle. The point is, they’ve learned all about us, but only through our movies, TV shows and books. And they think it’s all real.


There’s a lot to unpack there — they’re probably going to believe, for example, that we never bid each other goodbye when we hang up the phone. The question on everyone’s mind, however, is: Who are they afraid of? Who’s the one character in the entirety of the terrestrial canon that makes them say, “Fuck this place, let’s get as far away from it as we can?”

And by “everyone,” we mean user greylight999, who asked r/AskReddit, “Aliens have just discovered Earth but have never discovered fiction. As such, they think every book and live-action movie is real. What book character/movie actor do they fear the most and why?”

The responses made it very clear that maybe aliens have more reason to fear us than the other way around.

alwaysfullofholes 4y ago Edited 4y ago One Punch Man. An alien traveled across the galaxy for 20 years, invaded Earth, unleashed his power that could decimate a planet and takes on what the previous 9 episodes show to be an invulnerable being capable of annihilating matter with a single punch. During this final fight, Saitoma gets hit hard enough and travels so fast that he escapes Earth gravity and impacts the moon. His response is to jump back to Earth, causing a crater to appear beneath his feet with how much force he just exerted in 1/6th Earth gravity. Не
seanafeisteen 4y ago Mary Poppins
Heyaltaccount 4y ago The bad dudes in ET I've never watched ET
 4y ago Shrek. He'd be so hot they'd be horrified by his pure sexiness
Barky_Bark 4y ago Edited 4y ago The characters of Galaxy Quest... since you know that's what that movie was about.
Quasarmoto 4y ago Edited 4y ago Prolly Cthulhu cus who wouldn't be scared if that shit was real
Tigerking3000 4y ago I'm surprised no one mentioned Q from Star Trek yet. His species are omnipotent beings. Dr. Manhattan is another one they should fear too.
Mordyth 4y ago Captain Kirk. Не will kick your ass and shag your women
1 mOom-moOm 4y ago Grandpa Joe. If a human can be so vile and despicable as Grandpa Joe - what would the rest of the race do to aliens.
ArcherBias 4y ago Literally any fucking Kirby character. The big ones here are Dark Matter, Galacta Knight, Gooey, and Kirby himself.
 4y ago Chunk Norris. We have memed that man into Godhood.
LickThoseToes 4y ago Ben 10, just imagine them realizing there might be an impostor among them
herbaholic85 4y ago Darth Vader. Не travels space with sword that can cut anYthing and chokes You from a moon sized ship that destroys planets.
Commander_Prism 4y ago I'd argue that they would fear Thanos more than anyone else. A Titan who can erase half of the world's population with a snap of his fingers? Shit, I'd be scared too.
Erenogucu 4y ago Transformers. A whole race of war machines ranging is size from small enough to fit a pocket to big enough for carrying others on space and even the good sides leader is a bloodthirsty maniac that can 1v5 other members of his race without a sweat.
 4y ago Considering Godzilla stops alien invasions every other movie (and there's 34 of those atm) they'd probably be scared to death of him.
JuJuBNZ009 4y ago Freddy Krueger. Whatever their version of sleep would be, would be ruined. But they'd hilariously look up the hypothetical videos on how to defeat him. Imagine, every night prepared to fight him in their sleep but he never shows up. Then they give up but are always on guard still because this is exactly what he wants. Them to lower their guard, so he can attack. It'd be a vicious cycle. Funny, but vicious.
swervefire 4y ago gonna go out on a limb and say the cat in the hat. they think the book is like a children's tale of warning based on the very real phenomenon of a giant anthropomorphic cat and his two hellish gremlins showing up on your doorstep to fuck up your day every now and then
 4y ago Will Smith. One minute he's welcoming aliens to earth as an intergalactic customs officer. The next he's planting a bomb on their mother ship.
guy137137 4y ago The Xenomorph from alien, imagine coming across an alien species that has video of another horrifying extra terrestrial that you haven't encountered yet nor do you want to fucking encounter.
woodenman22 4y ago Tammy Swanson. There's not even a close second.


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