21 Terrible Lessons Inadvertently Imparted By Disney Movies
Listen, no one ever said Disney was a bastion of moral instruction. Wait, what’s that? That’s its explicit purpose, as the foremost modern purveyor of fairy tales? Well, it does a pretty bad job of it. Just look at the conclusions of all its most popular movies. Give up your entire family and culture for a guy you’ve never spoken to and you’ll be happy? Run away to live in a cottage with seven small men? Kiss an unconscious girl and see what happens? All very bad ideas.
And if those are the lessons they mean to teach you, consider how bad the lessons conveyed by accident are. You’ve got children and teenagers, usually girls, usually wealthy, running off to have adventures, often without a single adult to supervise, and almost always in a world where magic exists and therefore the very fabric of reality can’t be trusted. There’s gonna be some weird times. That means that when user adamtwosleeves asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the worst lesson someone could learn from a Disney movie?” Redditors could recall every last insidious way Disney lied to them.