21 Terrible Lessons Inadvertently Imparted By Disney Movies

‘Great things happen to kids when their parents die’
21 Terrible Lessons Inadvertently Imparted By Disney Movies

Listen, no one ever said Disney was a bastion of moral instruction. Wait, what’s that? That’s its explicit purpose, as the foremost modern purveyor of fairy tales? Well, it does a pretty bad job of it. Just look at the conclusions of all its most popular movies. Give up your entire family and culture for a guy you’ve never spoken to and you’ll be happy? Run away to live in a cottage with seven small men? Kiss an unconscious girl and see what happens? All very bad ideas.

And if those are the lessons they mean to teach you, consider how bad the lessons conveyed by accident are. You’ve got children and teenagers, usually girls, usually wealthy, running off to have adventures, often without a single adult to supervise, and almost always in a world where magic exists and therefore the very fabric of reality can’t be trusted. There’s gonna be some weird times. That means that when user adamtwosleeves asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the worst lesson someone could learn from a Disney movie?” Redditors could recall every last insidious way Disney lied to them.

jadare 5y ago You can tell someone is a villain by their facial hair
majestic_coconut 5y ago Everyone in a castle has a different shoe size
postedByDan 5y ago I ought to be able to fit my hands around my waist.
808Adder 5y ago That it's OK for women to punch men.
muppethero80 5y ago That it's okay to run away and get married if your dad yells at you
DWEGOON 5y ago That, if lost in the woods, a Bear and a Panther will be kind and raise you
Mild111 5y ago Don't try to kill all those friendly rats in your kitchen, they'll help you cook gourmet meals.
Armistarphoto 5y ago an That if you believe in yourself enough, you can jump off something high and fly.
MegosAlpha 5y ago Eat 5 dozen raw eggs if you want to be big and strong like Gaston
the3ysmen 5y ago Breaking into children's rooms to make them laugh is a sustainable energy source.
JMJimmy 5y ago You can be a hero as long as no one cares about the people you kill
24keepsthelight 5y ago Dads are either stupid idiot's, really bad or completely absent.
Flashpenny 5y ago Try surfing a tree and vines like Tarzan in your bare feet and you too can watch your palm and soles get friction burns down to the bone.
 5y ago Just repeatedly bludgeon someone with a cast-iron skillet, so hard that they black out. They'll be fine, don't worry. And it's funny!
Scoob1978 5y ago If you are pure of heart you can approach wild animals. Unless you want 20 needles in the stomach don't do this.
InRustWeTrust 5y ago Edited 5y ago Stepmoms are evil. Marriage is hard, especially when one party already has a child with someone else, cut some slack!
flowercurtains 5y ago Edited 5y ago From Aladdin, I thought melons could easily be cracked open over my knee. Some tears and a very bruised knee later, I found that this was not, in fact, a real thing.
Nausicaa_Nouveau 5y ago As a child, I had seen Little Mermaid- and the scene where Sebastian and the chef have a scuffle, the chef's mustache catches fire? Anyway, he puts it out just by pinching the tip with his fingers. I didn't realize that you were supposed to wet your fingers prior to doing this... now almost thirty, I still have this weird really gnarly scar on the tip of my fire finger and thumb from trying to pinch out a candle with my dry fingers.
Rekno2005 5y ago I always thought the lesson at the end of The Incredibles was fairly negative... we learn from Syndrome that if you don't have natural talent (i.e. super powers), working hard (i.e. building stuff) is a villainous act.
Zoltrix12 5y ago In frozen there's a song called fixer upper, which goes on to say that it's the woman's responsibility to fix a man's problems. It then continues by saying that because she doesn't have a ring on her finger her engagement doesn't count. I skip this part of the movie when my daughter watches this movie.
wlane13 5y ago That great things happen to kids when their parents die.


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