33 Trivia Tidbits About Hidden Jokes and References in Pop Culture

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33 Trivia Tidbits About Hidden Jokes and References in Pop Culture

It’s a good thing that we actually liked all of these scenes, because we had to watch them over and over again to find the hidden nuggets below. Holding a pad and pen the entire time was a little annoying, but we had to be at the ready. And as you’ll see, we were lightning quick with that pause button. 

Yep, it was pause, jot and repeat for weeks at a time, but catching all of these was quite rewarding.

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The Emperor’s New Groove

THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE Pretty sly reference to pitching a tent for a kid's movie. CRACKED.COM


The Lego Movie

There's bitchy workplace sniping CRACKED.COM hidden in The Lego Movie. Meiting Room % 3:00 Orange ضين brasil 4:00 - Ragh Interragetion - 5:00 Paperwork fitting 6:00 check 7:00 FRANKS PAREST : e Please DON'T PORGET CLEAN THE LAGER!! TO -Jil How ABOUT YOU CLEAN IT When Wyldstyle flips a table in the Melting Room, a handwritten schedule is visible for a few frames. At the bottom, someone wrote in red ink DON'T FORGET TO CLEAN THE LASER!! and someone else replied HOW ABOUT YOU CLEAN IT

Baby Driver

CRACKED COM BABY DRIVER Baby has such a massive crush on Debora that the black heart graffiti btoo notton turns red as soon nood as he sees her. SETTOS


Adult jokes in children's movies Arthur Anal probe Arthur recreated South Park's first episode, cutting right before the big bad alien anal probe part. CRACKED.COM

The Flintstones

Adult jokes in children's movies The Flintstones TOO many heads Fred jokes to Barney that if he wants to look taller, what he needs is another head. Barney's answer: What do I need three of them for? CRACKED.COM

The Simpsons

Objectivism at daycare. IS A IS A FUTI CRACKED COM Maggie's daycare is an opportuni- ty to break out the objectivism jokes. While Marge is rehearsing for A Streetcar Named Desire, Maggie is left at the Ayn Rand School For Tots, where a poster reads, A is A. This is a reference to Ayn Rand, and her philosophy of Objectivism.

The Simpsons

Proving a conspiracy theory? ADOLF CRACKED COM In the classic episode, Bart vs. Aus- tralia, before ticking off all of Aus- tralia, Bart randomly prank calls ran- dom numbers. One of the numbers he calls is in Buenos Aires, Argenti- na, where an elderly Adolf Hitler at- tempts to answer. This is a reference to the conspiracy theory that Hitler survived WWII and escaped to Ar- gentina, where he lived until 1962.


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