20 Inventions That Ruined Society

If necessity is the mother of invention, progress is its daddy. Being able to do something really cool beats out practical imperative every time, and modern technology has changed the world in a lot of really cool ways. You wouldn’t be able to read this if people hadn’t developed the internet. A lot of you are probably only alive thanks to various miracles of modern medicine. Hell, people barely have to clean their houses anymore. We’ve got all kinds of machines and robots to do it for us. We’re this close to robot butlers, you guys.
Then again, a lot of inventions have only been a net negative to society. Fossil fuels ended up having some real downsides. We can all agree that lawn darts weren’t fun enough to justify all the injuries. The Cybertruck. Just… the Cybertruck. And that’s just off the top of our heads. So when user Madbonkersbean asked r/AskReddit, “What invention has most negatively impacted society?,” Reddit quickly filled in the gaps.