27 Trivia Tidbits That Bust Common Myths

A software update for your naivety
27 Trivia Tidbits That Bust Common Myths

If you still believe these, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. You’re just on a slightly outdated operating system. It’s a really good one, but we found a list of bugs that need some updating. Don’t worry, it’s not an invasive procedure. It can be as easy as reading this list and replacing some would-be truths with fresh, new bona-fide truths.

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The Color of Blood

MYTH: THE BLOOD LEAVING YOUR HEART IS BLUE. FACT: IT'S ACTUALLY DARKER ReD. The myth that deoxygenated blood is blue comes from the fact that through Caucasian skin, veins often look blue. While it's true that those blue vessels you're seeing carry blood without oxygen, the blood itself is actually not blue. The veins aren't blue, either. They primarily look blue because of the way light reflects off the skin. CRACKED.COM http:/www.ehow.com/how-does_5607648_blood-look-blue-veins_html


Ridiculous, anybody who shaves daily knows it

MYTH: SHAVING MAKES HAIR GROW BE BACK THICKER. CRACKED.COM If shaving made your hair grow back faster and thicker, every teenage boy would look like Paul Bunyan. The reason this myth persists is because hair tapers as it grows, and when you cut it back you see the wider bottom portion.



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