38 Predictions That Came Through in the Clutch or Whiffed Completely

A futuristic game of heads or tales
38 Predictions That Came Through in the Clutch or Whiffed Completely

Making predictions is fun because whether it’s minutes from now or centuries from now, we’re going to find out if we were right or wrong. Well, we might not be around centuries from now, but we’ll ask our descendants to find out for us. 

So here it goes: On Thursday, June 3, 2324, the sun will come up purple. 

Now we play the waiting game.

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Terrible Predictions

TV won't last 6 months. 20TH CENTURY FOX CRACKED.COM Studio exec Darryl Zanuck predicted that people will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night. Staring at that box is the only thing that gets us through the day!


The Treaty of Versailles

CRACKED COM When the Treaty of Versailles was signed, officially ending the First World War in 1919, French Marshal Ferdinand Foch responded... THIS IS NOT PEACE. IT IS AN ARMISTICE FOR TWENTY YEARS. The Second World War started in 1939.


Terrible Predictions

There's simply no demand for YouTube. YOUTUBE COFOUNDER CRACKED COM Cofounder and СТО Steve Chen once said there's just not that many videos I want to watch. Strange that a man with zero foresight could accidentally invent a perpetual motion propaganda machine!



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