30 Trivia Tidbits About America’s Worst Habits and Policies

This list is a mirror, America! Take a long, hard look at yourself
30 Trivia Tidbits About America’s Worst Habits and Policies

They call America an experiment in self-government, but since we’re still mid-experiment, it’s hard to know if it’s been a success or not. Globally, we’ve had some beastly successes as well as some colossal face-plants. And because face-plants are usually a lot funnier than successes, here’s a big ol’ batch of misfires. Deep fried. Yup, deep-fried misfires. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

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American Healthcare (Or Lack Thereof)

37% of Americans skip going to the doctor or refilling prescriptions because of the cost. In Great Britain and Sweden, that number is 4-6%. $ A hip replacement costs $80,000 in the U.S. and less than $14,000 in Europe. Nexium costs $215 in the U.S. and $20-60 in Europe. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2014/ CRACKED.COM 05/30/n0-the-us-doesnt-have-the-best-health-care-system-in-the-worid


You’re Not ‘American’

CRACKED YOU'RE FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Travelers saying they're American implies that only the U.S. should be considered America. From North to South, there are 38 American countries.


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