23 Historical Facts That Will Never Not Be Funny

We tend to think of the past as a much more serious place. The modern world might be a wacky satire from hell, but at least things were normal back then. After all, what could be more ridiculous than the Four Seasons Total Landscaping fiasco? Fyre Fest? The Mr. Peanut who fucks?
We’ll tell you what: The time during the Mexican-American War, when “there was one particular battle where both sides had cannons and gunpowder, but due to a logistical fuck up only one cannon ball between them,” according to Redditor korar67. “So they spent the entire battle firing the same cannon ball back and forth at each other.”
This was just one of the many ancient clusterfucks straight out of Looney Tunes offered by Reddit after user crooked_yellow asked r/AskReddit, “Which event from history will always be funny?”