20 Words You Can’t Use Anymore Because of the Internet

In terms of its value to society, the internet’s karmic ledger is pretty well-balanced. It’s created a lot of good in the world by ushering in an unprecedented era of connectivity, giving people access to resources they previously never could have dreamed of. Also, yes, a lot of free boobs. Just an ocean of free boobs to look at.
On the other hand, it’s gutted countless industries that are kind of important, makes it so much easier to commit all kinds of crime and given us terminal brain rot. One of the symptoms is how we speak to each other. Nevermind that the kids these days speak exclusively in some kind of meme-based alien language, it’s forced us to say embarrassing shit like, “I can’t believe I swiped right on him” and “I’ll Venmo you.”
And that’s just what we can say. Thanks to the internet, there are countless words you just can’t say at all without embarrassing yourself and everyone else within earshot. Thanks to user Nearby-Simple-7594, who asked r/AskReddit, “What perfectly normal word has been ruined by the internet?,” we have a handy list of them.