32 Trivia Tidbits About History

Until we can give you facts from the future, here’s a few from the past
32 Trivia Tidbits About History

We’re so sorry for the inconvenience, but our time machine is being a little wonky today. For some reason, it’s only allowing us to go back in time. We know how disappointing this must be for you, so to make up for it, we gathered up the finest, most interesting past facts that history had to offer. 

When you’re done with these, you’ll be like, “Pffft. The future. Who needs to know anything about the dumb future!”

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The SMS Cap Trafalgar

In WWI, the German ship SMS Cap Trafalgar was disguised to look like British ocean liner RMS Carmania in order to raise hell behind enemy lines. But the first ship the Trafalgar encountered was the real Carmania, which laid waste to the imposter. CRACKED.COM


Victorian Christmas

The Victorians saw Christmas as a time to have a laugh. Their Christmas card art included stuff like a child stuck in a teapot, mice riding lobsters, or a clown with a poker attacking a policeman's butt. CRACKED.COM



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