21 of the Most Absurd Political Scandals in History

21 of the Most Absurd Political Scandals in History

Most of us in this corner of the internet really only pay attention to current American politics, because that’s the only part that Twitter is usually throwing in our faces. And if that’s the case for you, it’s easy to get the impression that Washington might be more comfortable underneath a big, colorful tent with a guy out front luring people inside to eat peanuts and watch the show. (Clowns. We’re calling them clowns.) There was one recent president in particular who produced a headline that could be its own sitcom every other day. We were begging for a boring leader.

But if you search back before you were politically aware or in other parts of the globe, you’ll find stories that are just as — or perhaps even more — absurd than anything seen on modern Capitol Hill. From crack-smoking mayors to honest-to-God faked deaths, when user No-Wolverine-2321 asked r/AskReddit, “What political scandal was so absurd it seemed like fiction?,” political history buffs from all around the world related tales of bureaucratic slapstick.

Da1976 1mo ago Potatoe
D00mfl0w3r 1mo ago The tan suit
SOWED 1mo ago Anthony Weiner being unable to stop sending women photos of his...weiner
kindablirry 1mo ago Larry Craig and the foot tap
stonedfishing 1mo ago Trudeau's multiple blackface costumes.
tubbstosterone 1mo ago A US Vice President shot his buddy in the face while hunting birds with clipped wings. Then had the friend apologize on national TV.
Coded-influx 1mo ago Toronto mayor caught smoking Crack and spiraling into political rants on camera.
knockatize 1mo ago Eliot Spitzer leaving his socks on while banging his expensive call girl, and structuring his financial transactions to hide it. Pretty brass-onions for the Sheriff of Wall Street to pull that one.
Funny-Berry-807 1mo ago Gary Hart, the Democratic frontrunner, banging a model on a yacht named Monkey Business. You can't make this stuff up, folks.
Swimming_Crazy_444 1mo ago South Carolina's republican Governor Mark Sanford went missing for 6 days, his press secratary said he was hiking the Appalachian Trail....he had a girlfriend in Argentina.
et_hornet . 1mo ago The Australian prime minister shitting himself in McDonald's
Mutxarra 1mo ago The mayor of Badalona being stopped for speeding under the influence and being outside of his confinement area during the pandemic and then biting a police officer.
bigbrother2030 1mo ago Tractorgate - a British MP was caught watching porn in the Commons, and claimed he was trying to find pictures of tractors
da_choppa . 1mo ago Before he was a talk show host, Jerry Springer was the mayor of Cincinnati. Не was caught soliciting a prostitute. How was he caught? Не paid her with a check.
cloudofbastard 1mo ago The prime minister of the UK having a scandal about fucking a dead pig's head! It was so crazy, especially because there had been a black mirror episode revolving around a similar premise released quite soon before it.
xz1224 1mo ago South Korea's president got ousted because she was part of a religious cult that was running everything behind the scenes.
Artisanalpoppies 1mo ago The affair of the diamond necklace. The most expensive diamond necklace in the world. Designed for the King's mistress. A cardinal in disgrace. A con artist countess. A prostitute impersonator. Countess convinces the cardinal he can win back the Queen's favour if he buys the necklace for her. Prostitute impersonates the Queen. Cardinal buys said necklace, gives it the Countess....who promptly runs off with it and breaks it up to sell individually. Who cops the line of fire? The innocent Queen.....Marie Antoinette.
Djinjja-Ninja 1mo ago The (married) leader of the Liberal party in the UK in the 70s had a homosexual affair with a male model. Homosexuality was still illegal in the UK. When the male model wanted to end the relationship the politician tried to have him killed. There was then a trial at the old bailey with charges of conspiracy to murder. The politician was found not guilty because the judge basically instructed the jury to find him not guilty because he was supposedly an upstanding member of the upper classes who had done great work and that his accuser
rakkadimus 1mo ago Iceland's minister of finance was found in the Panama papers and the Ashley Madison leak. The whole government dissolved and a new election was planned. Не made a campaign video where he decorated his kids birthday cake. The country voted him in as Prime minister in the next election.
Strange-Task-8903 1mo ago First year living on a Caribbean island there was a debate on the parliament floor between a local politician and a European politician (the island still has colonial/financial ties). The local politician said: You're not from here. I am from here, my wife is from here, my girlfriend is from here and my side piece is from here. F*** you, you're not from here on the record. Not the worst corruption nor biggest scandal but definitely one of the funiests scandals I've heard in my time there.
res30stupid 1mo ago John Stonehouse. Caught up in creative accounting of firms he established after he lost ministerial roles and related pay, this former Member of Parliament and head of the British Post Office decided to fake his own death so he could run off with his mistress to Australia, after embezzling a shit- ton of money. But his method of faking his death was so absurd - leaving his clothes on the beach and swimming out to sea, to make it look like he had either drowned or was attacked by a shark - was so absurd that it wasn't believed. And


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