30 Myths and Fibs We’re About to Bust Wide Open

Challenging your entire belief system one busted myth at a time
30 Myths and Fibs We’re About to Bust Wide Open

Have you ever seen the movie Spotlight? There’s a scene where the news team has quite the story, and they’re ready to drop that bomb on the city of Boston (the world even). Well, that’s the feeling we have in the office today. But unlike those lazy reporters with one truth bomb, we’ve got 30 ready for deployment. So many truth bombs, in fact, that we suggest reading these bad boys in a bunker.

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The lie was probably started by Big Ham

MYTH: TURKEY MAKES YOU SLEEPY. FACT: IT'S THE BIG meAL THAT Does IT. Science-y types will claim that turkey makes you sleepy because it contains tryptophan, which eventually becomes seratonin and melatonin, the sleep neurochemicals. But turkey doesn't contain enough to affect your tiredness level. The reason you're sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner is because your very full body needs to focus on digestion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2014/11/ CRACKED.COM 24/no-turkey-doesnt-make-you-sleepy-the-science-of-thanksgiving-feasts/



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