41 Awful Knockoffs and Reboots We Wish Would Have Been Caught and Killed by a Scheming CEO

These embarrassments should have been ‘Coyote vs. Acme’d
41 Awful Knockoffs and Reboots We Wish Would Have Been Caught and Killed by a Scheming CEO

By all accounts Coyote vs. Acme is a pretty solid movie, perhaps a masterpiece, that deserves to see the light of day. Why, oh why, couldnt some C-suite stooge have squashed Mac and Me instead?

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Titanic: The Legend Goes On

Awful Knock-Offs (2000) Titanic: The Legend Goes On We will never waste a chance to talk about the rapping dog from the Italian Titanic cartoon. Just watch it. Now. Not the Titanic rip-off itself, nobody cares about that, but just the scene. Watch it and ride those brain-destroying aneurysms like Jack and Rose on the front of the Titanic. CRACKED.COM


A Nightmare on Elm Street

(1984) A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Freddy's a stupid Freddy's an iconic looking child murderer child murderer who who's creepy but lacks stalks and manipulates wit, and who'd rather his victims, playing creative mind games hack and slash than with them before play cat and mouse with his victims. he kills them. This movie gave us nightmares. This movie is a nightmare. CRACKED.COM



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