22 Scientific Phenomena We Somehow Still Can’t Explain

Listen, scientists, we don’t mean to be rude — we know you’re out there doing important work. Okay, there are way more of you than there needs to be stinging yourselves on the dick with bees to find out if it hurts, meaning there’s at least one of you, but most of you are figuring out how cancer works and space travel and stuff. That’s great. Really, keep up the good work.
But would it kill one of you to solve hiccups? It’s one of the most embarrassing things we do, so it would be nice if we knew literally anything about them. What causes them? What purpose do they serve? Most importantly, how do I stop sitting there squeaking and spasming like a little cartoon baby?
Weirdly, when user thatguyaaron123 asked r/AskReddit, “What is a phenomenon/mystery that science hasn’t explained that just seems like we should have figured out by now?” no one said much about hiccups, but they did bring up a lot of other things that we should probably get squared away.