33 Unbelievable Stats That’ll Make You Wish You’d Paid More Attention in Math Class

Hey, math class. Thanks for leaving out all the fun stats!
33 Unbelievable Stats That’ll Make You Wish You’d Paid More Attention in Math Class

We realize that we took the words route over the numbers route, but if math class had included these bad boys, we’d be modern day Rain Men! Who knows how our lives could’ve turned out? We could be drumming up all kinds of wild statistics all day long! It’d be… Well, a lot like the day we’re having right now. 

Looks like it’s take your writers to work day at the stats office. Thanks, stats! We’ll enjoy our little stint in the numbers world to the fullest.

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There are more than 2,600 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame GODZILLA 17 are dedicated to fictional characters GRAGKED COM


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CRACKED.COM The budget for the Curiosity rover is about the same amount the U.S. military spends in a little over 30 HOURS.



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