36 Sizes, Scales and Proportions We Just Can’t Wrap Our Heads Around

Even if we could physically wrap our heads around things, some of these would be way too big!
36 Sizes, Scales and Proportions We Just Can’t Wrap Our Heads Around

It’s wild to think that the largest things in the universe are made up of the smallest things in the universe. Those atoms really do add up. Ha! Maybe we should call them “add-ems.” You know, like add ‘em up! Come for the size facts, stay for the size puns! 

Sorry, we’ll get to the size facts now.

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Paedophryne Amauensis Frogs

At 7-8mm in length, the Paedophryne amauensis frog from Papua New Guinea are the smallest known vertebrates on Earth. Here's one sitting on a dime. CRACKED.COM


Olympus Mons on Mars

Olympus Mons (Mars) Mount Everest CRACKED COM


The Statue of Unity

597 ft. The Statue of Unity in India is so tall the Statue of Liberty could barely touch his knees with her torch. 152 ft. CRACKED.COM



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