21 Lies Everyone Believes Because of Movies

Movies are called movies because, well, it’s short for “moving pictures,” which is absurd when you think about it, but the people in the movies are called actors because they’re only acting like what they’re doing is real. That means that every movie is a lie; the only difference is scale. No, you can’t gain the ability to fly by thinking happy thoughts, you don’t only use 10 percent of your brain, and it’s incredibly difficult to sneak even one snake on a plane.
But you didn’t believe any of that in the first place. There are probably lots of things, however, that you do believe based on what you see on-screen. Pop quiz: How long does it take to knock someone out with chloroform? What kind of hats did Vikings wear? At what point in the childbirth process does the water break? After user jarl_of_joensuu asked r/AskReddit, “What false facts are thought (of) as real ones because of (the) film industry?,” Redditors answered all of those questions, probably completely differently from you, so study up, blockhead.