21 Times Lawyers Won Cases Using Seriously Obscure Laws

When How I Met Your Mother unleashed the interjection “Lawyered!” upon an unsuspecting populace, they knew that we would understand it to mean the application of technicalities and semantics to win an argument or bring someone around to your side. That’s pretty much what lawyers do — read many, many, many legal papers to make sure they know all the precedents and regulations relevant to your case to get the best outcome for your client. It’s the worst.
But once you’ve been doing it a while, it’s pretty simple most of the time. Either a law has been demonstrably broken or it hasn’t, and all you need to do is minimize or maximize the damage, depending on which table you’re sitting at. Sometimes, though, you get to pull a hilariously obscure statute or 200-year-old ruling out of your ass and feel like a god. That’s what happened to the lawyers who responded when user thejoms asked r/AskReddit, “Lawyers/Solicitors, what is the strangest or oddest law that’s won a case for you?”