20 of the Most WTF Chain Reactions of All Time

If you only know the butterfly effect as the name of an Ashton Kutcher movie that was reviewed so poorly that you never saw it, the idea is that a butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the world can create a hurricane on the other side. (Or Ashton Kutcher going back in time to save a dog’s life can turn a woman into a sex worker. It’s a weird movie.)
There are plenty of examples of this happening throughout history. One that’s frequently cited is Hitler’s rejection from art school leading to World War II, and one that’s not cited nearly enough is President Joe Biden being responsible for the creation of Fall Out Boy. Look it up — it’s true.
Those facts are interesting, but it’s even more interesting to see each step along the way. User unchainedrobots must agree, because they asked r/AskReddit, “Historians of Reddit, what is the strangest chain of events you have studied?,” and said historians of Reddit did their best to blow unchainedrobots’ mind.