33 Video Game Trivia Tidbits to Let That Thumb Callous Heal

‘Metal Gear’ didn’t get sued into oblivion because its creator is ‘a nice guy’
33 Video Game Trivia Tidbits to Let That Thumb Callous Heal

As kids, it was impossible to wrap our heads around the making of a video game. We unboxed those consoles and games (pre-YouTube, we might add, so none of us became millionaires filming it), and we delved into whatever world was laid out before us. Years later, we’d hear terms like “programmer” and realize that making them takes just a little bit more work than unboxing them.

The Legend of Zelda

TLOZ's iconic title music was a last-minute patch. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA™ TM ©1986 NINTENDO CRACKED.COM They had planned to use Ravel's Boléro, but found out at the last minute that it wasn't yet in the public domain. Nintendo composer Koji Kondo had a day to whip up the iconic theme.


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