15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were

All we are is dust in the wind
15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were

“Forever” almost doesn’t mean anything. Waiting in line at the DMV, 90 minutes can feel like forever. A photo your phone shows you from a few years back can feel like it was forever ago. An ad for Taco Bell makes you think you haven’t had it in forever.

And yet, is anything really forever? The biggest promise most of us ever make is worded as “til death,” not “til the end of time.” Most decisions are walk-backable. Most mistakes are, to some extent, reversible (they might just involve a lot of money or apologizing or living in a van down by the river for a while, you know?). 

So while we fling around words like “forever” and “permanent” as though they really meant what they purport to mean, nothing’s really permanent, right?

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Tattoos Sometimes Just Come Off…

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


While most respectable tattoo artists will refuse to do a hand tattoo on someone that isn’t already heavily inked, a lot of palm tattoos just kind of disappear — the skin on your palms regrows quickly and ink can basically vanish.

…Plus You Can Cover Them Up

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The idea of a tattoo being on you forever is only half right — you can cover it up, then cover that up, then go on top of that, and so on. Now, tattooing over large blacked-out areas might be difficult, but it is doable.

Permanent Residency… Or Is It?

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PERMANENT RESIDENT SPECIMEN TEST 20 OCA 206z Surname SPECIMEN Given Name TEST V Country of Birth Mexico USCIS# Category 123-456-789 IR1 Date of Birth Sex 20 OCT 2002 F AUN MAN KY JOST 2002 Card Expires: Resident Since


Immigration is a tricky thing — you can move somewhere, do everything you’re supposed to, get told you’re allowed to stay forever and still have it all whipped away. Green-card holders are called permanent residents, but spend too long overseas and you lose it.

Permanent Markers? Bullshit!



Sharpies claim to be permanent, but can be removed from most surfaces without too much trouble — rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover will usually do the trick. 

Perms Should Be Called Temps

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


In hairstyling, a perm is short for “permanent wave,” the idea being that you get it done and then, well, that’s what you look like. However, hair grows. You can book yourself for quarterly perms, which would be nonsensical if they were actually fucking permanent.

Permanent Jewelry: The Endless Necklace

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


“Permanent jewelry” is a relatively new thing — bracelets and necklaces that are welded shut to make them non-removable, whether for romantic or practical purposes. Realistically, though, they’re as permanent as your access to a bolt-cutter. 

Permanent Makeup Should Be Called by Its Name: Face Tattoos

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


Medical micropigmentation and permanent makeup sound classier than “tattooed eyebrows,” but if it uses the same equipment as a tattoo and goes through the same healing process as a tattoo, it’s a tattoo. 

You Can’t Spell ‘Permunent’ Without U.N.

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


The U.S., U.K., France, Russia and China are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council… or are they? There are arguments that, given it was the USSR, not the Russian Federation, that was granted the place, things could change…

Permanent Select Committees: Neverending Dullness

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


All the “permanent” in “permanent select committee” means is that it doesn’t change from one government to the next. The Permanent Select Committee on Aging was terminated in 1993. Permanent, an old person’s ass.

Object Permanence Doesn’t Work If Decapitated

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


Object permanence, the name given to understanding that things continue to exist when we can’t see them, is an essential part of cognitive development, although there is disagreement about when it happens. Cut your brain off, though, and it’s lost. 

Permanent Secretaries: Permanent… For Now

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


Permanent secretary is the name given to the most senior member of every branch of the U.K. civil service. They can be fired, resign or retire, though, so they’re about as permanent as a whiteboard marker. 

Only the Cold Hand of Nothingness Is Truly Permanent

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


Nothing humanity has ever built or achieved will last forever. The universe was here long before us and will be here long after us. In the grand scheme of things, we barely happened, a brief flicker of activity on an insignificant rock.

All We’ve Done Is for Naught

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


Even our place at the top of the food chain is but temporary, as our seeming yearning for self-destruction will bring our reign to an end. 

Genuinely, Nothing Matters

400 Liberty St O 300


Statues fall, fortunes dwindle, kings decompose. Shelley’s famous poem Ozymandias describes an ancient forgotten ruler, and one day Shelley himself will be entirely forgotten, as shall we all. Sleep well! 

If the Wind Changes, Nothing Will Happen

15 Things That Aren’t As Permanent As You Thought They Were


Hey, great news! There is no medical evidence that your face will stay like that if the wind changes!

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