15 Accolades and Honors Bestowed on Tremendous Pieces of Shit

There are a lot of shitty people out there, and way less justice than one might assume. Bastard after bastard after bastard has flourished, and they always will, because they’re bastards.
But it’s not just money and success — these shits gather prizes, awards and accolades aplenty, which just rubs it in for the non-pricks of the world. It’s easy for this shit to make you really cynical. The lesson seems to be, do what you like, step on as many necks as you want, and you’ll thrive.
But fuck that. Right? You have to cling onto the belief that most people are good, because what’s the alternative? Hammer planks across your door and reject the world entirely? Yeah, maybe. Outside’s pretty difficult. What’s on TV?
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Honorary Degrees for a Total Bastard

Across his career, Bill Cosby received a colossal 72 honorary degrees. Sixty-two of them have since been rescinded, meaning he still has 10 more of them than most. He also still has the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is irrevocable.
Statues and a Country for a Real Asshole

British colonialism is prick-laden, but Cecil Rhodes was a true cock — he systematically stole resources from African people and set up ongoing institutions to keep doing so. Rhodesia was named after him, and there are statues of the fucker everywhere.
A Knighthood for a Monster

British TV presenter Jimmy Savile was as rotten a villain as it comes, a serial abuser who was somehow able to boast about his misdeeds. He died a knight, although it’s not on his gravestone (as that was smashed).
The Turd Bird

A shitload of North American species are named after real turds, immortalizing them. The Scott’s oriole, for instance, is named after military commander Winfield Scott, who coordinated the forced removal of countless Native Americans from their land in the 1800s.
The Dick Chick

Similarly, McCown’s longspur, another bird, was until very recently named after Confederate General John P. McCown, a drunkard and shithead. It was successfully renamed the thick-billed longspur, allowing McCown the obscurity he deserves.
Hideous Architekkkture

A lot of university buildings have been named after bastards. One example: Duke’s Carr Building, renamed the Classroom Building in 2018 to sever ties with its original namesake, KKK member, lifelong white supremacist and worthless simpleton Julian Carr.
Knighted But Knasty

In 2012, film producer Harvey Weinstein was made a knight of the French Legion of Honor, a rare accolade for a foreigner. He was stripped of it in 2017 when it was revealed just how much of a serial rapist he was.
The Lord Nobody Likes

There are worse Lords, but few as dislikable as Lord Jeffrey Archer, a U.K. MP awarded the honor before fully revealing how slimy a liar he is. Perjury, shoplifting, bullshitting about charitable donations and allegedly worse crimes. What a shit!
Stupid Fucking Asshole Is as Stupid Fucking Asshole Does

It’s played as a joke in the movie, but Forrest Gump does mean a lot more people know the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest, first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, than ever should.
Mr. Hussein, Your Faygo Awaits

Unbelievably, the key to the city of Detroit was once awarded to Saddam Hussein, in recognition of his donations to a church there. The reverend later said, “He was very kind. Lately, what’s happened, I don’t know. Money and power changed the person.”
Endless Museums Brought to You by Oxycontin

The Sackler family kickstarted the opioid epidemic eating America from the inside. They’re evil. But damn, there’s a lot of museums and galleries with their names on them — if you didn’t know they were pure scum they’d seem pretty great.
Racist, Anti-Semitic, a Sex Pest and Commemorated in Every Library

Melvil Dewey (of Dewey Decimal System fame) was a big ol’ turd, a creepy handsy bastard who was openly racist and anti-Semitic. Every time you look for a book about butts in the library you’re using this dick’s system.
Hollywood’s Favorite Rapist

Can you separate the art from the artist? The people who have awarded Roman Polanski, who raped a child and has never even claimed he didn’t, Oscars, BAFTAs, the Palme D’Or and various lifetime achievement accolades clearly fucking can’t.
They Should Call It the Nobel Peace of Shit Prize

Henry Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for a ceasefire in Vietnam that nobody, literally nobody, believed would last. And it didn’t — the war continued for two more years. Kissinger at least seemed slightly embarrassed to have received it.
Fightin’ Round the World

Captain James Cook undeniably achieved a huge amount, but was also a complete bastard, looting, pillaging and murdering endless indigenous people. He has towns, mountains, islands and even a moon crater named after him, and statues everywhere.