30 Funny Stories People’s Families Call ‘The Incident’

Every family has an “incident.” Usually, the incident is an Earth-shattering revelation or epic argument that tears a hole in the familial fabric — something only to be recounted in hushed whispers. The spectacle of this type of incident even provided the basis of a twice-adapted novel about the fallout of a man slapping an unrelated child at a barbecue.
But not all such incidents are as dramatic as a limited series. Some are comedic in nature. These are the ones that often get labeled with a funny moniker like “the fish pie incident” to give a sliver of insight to strangers. It’s never enough to tell the whole story but just enough to torment the subject of said incident.
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Regardless of what form the incident takes, though, it’s something that lives in infamy. That’s certainly the case for these Redditors, who have taken to the platform to share the “incidents” that get brought up at every one of their family reunions...