32 Stats and Facts About Money That May or May Not Make You Crazy
The numbers don’t lie. But they do get a little kooky from time to time

Wait, all “paper” currency is actually made of what?!?! To hold their bricks of cash together, Pablo Escobar’s cartel spent how much on rubber bands?!?! Of course, we know the answers; the emphasis was added for your benefit. All you need to do to get on our level is keep scrolling a little bit.
What, you thought we’d just tell you now, so you can move on to some other site?! Sorry bucko, this is a two-way street. If you’re as committed to this relationship as we are, here are a whole wack of incomprehensible stats and facts about the greenery…

No Trees Get Cut Down to Make Money

Impulse Purchasing


Or Maybe, You’re the Special, Lucky One Who Will Win Big!

The Lottery

Written Checks
