15 Times TV and Movies Got the Human Body All Wrong

These screenwriters were only using 10 percent of their brains.
15 Times TV and Movies Got the Human Body All Wrong

The human body’s complicated. Sure, day-to-day for most of us it’s just a pipe that turns food into poop and has a few other goofy bits sticking out, but it turns out there’s more going on than that. Organs, fluids, structural crap and a whole load of stuff that has to be present in just the right amounts, or just the right ratios, to make us people rather than gross floppy messes.

But you can’t blame filmmakers for sometimes getting it wrong. They’re creative, artistic types. You can’t expect them to know how many lungs a human body usually contains, or other obscure details like that — that’s for nerdy scientists to know. Little wonder, then, that sometimes movies and TV feature approaches toward anatomy that don’t quiiiiiiiiite add up…

Brains Aren’t 90 Percent Dormant

CRACKED Loads of movies - Lucy, Limitless, some not starting with L - hinge on the premise that we only use 10 percent of our brains, and accessing the remaining 90 percent could render us superhuman. It's garbage - even asleep we use more than that.

NY Times

No Pain in the Membrane, No Pain in the Brain

CRACKED The villain in the Bond movie The World Is Not Enough has a bullet lodged in his medulla oblongata, meaning he can't feel pain. Yeah he could. He'd also have no spatial awareness and keep falling over. And be dead.

Yard Barker 

So No One Told You Pregnancy Was Gonna Be This Way

CRACKED Rachel from Friends was pregnant for well over a year - she's pregnant in May and starts maternity leave the following August. Could that pregnancy be any longer? Maybe - her baby Emma's first birthday party happens the following October.


Real-Life Inbreeding Is Less Sexy

CRACKED The Targaryens in Game of Thrones are open about keeping it in the family for centuries. Rather than the unfeasibly attractive characters of the show, they'd be very, very unusual looking. And probably unable to read.


LL Cool J

CRACKED Being shot is a lot harder to brush off than it appears in the movies. Even getting hit in the shoulder can kill you. In Halloween H20, LL Cool J gets shot in the head and is basically fine.


Cool Women Don’t Look at Explosions

CRACKED Around every six minutes in the Charlie's Angels films, the Angels are propelled beautifully across the room by explosions. In reality, those forces would tear their bodies apart, leaving them a destroyed, salsa-esque mess of blood and bone.


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