15 Inventive But Ultimately Insane Things People Used to Believe About Babymaking
![15 Inventive But Ultimately Insane Things People Used to Believe About Babymaking](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/6/1/5/909615_320x180.jpg)
Really dumbassed species manage to figure out how to make babies. Like, a fly isn’t bright, but it somehow knows exactly what to do to make a baby fly — it has to, otherwise there’d be no flies.
People generally act like they know what they’re doing when it comes to making more people, but for a lot of human history, the understanding of what exactly was going on when Tab A placed Substance X in Orifice B was pretty sketchy. There was a lot of guessing, not a whole lot of talking to women and way too much of a “maybe if I rub some weird shit on my dick I’ll have more babies” kind of attitude.
Madness. Everyone knows how it works: Two people go in a closet and make a baby, then you see one of the babies and the baby looks at you.
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No Getting Off, No Getting Pregnant
![CRACKED The Roman physician Galen believed both men and women produced sperm, which had to combine for fertilization to take place - if a woman didn't have an orgasm, she couldn't get pregnant. It wasn't medically accurate, but what a good attitude.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/4/9/906749.jpg)
You Can Cure Impotence by Squishing a Crocodile
![CRACKED Among other ancient Egyptian cures for impotence and erectile dysfunction was mashing up the hearts of baby crocodiles and rubbing them on your dick. That's a lot of things, but boner-inducingly hot isn't one that springs to mind.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/5/6/906756.jpg)
Jizz Is Basically a Tiny Person
![CRACKED Aristotle and Pythagoras are among the great minds that believed in preformationism - the idea that sperm contained a miniature version of its owner that grows into a baby with minimal maternal input. Like a Russian doll in your nuts.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/4/7/906747.jpg)
…Or Maybe Eggs Are
![CRACKED Preformationists were divided into spermists and ovists, with some believing the opposite - that women's ovaries contained tiny pre-formed people, and semen provided them with nutrients to grow.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/4/8/906748.jpg)
Want to Prevent Pregnancy? Sneeze!
![CRACKED Soranus, the ancient Greek physician that gave his name to the painful butthole, recommended sneezing after sex as a surefire method of preventing pregnancy, as it would send any expelled semen rocketing across the room.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/5/5/906755.jpg)
Can’t Get Pregnant? Toxic Metals Are the Answer!
![CRACKED Legendary Greek physician Hippocrates had a simple solution for women struggling to get pregnant: grind up some lead and stones, bundle the resulting powder up, dip it in breast milk and shove it up the vagina - it'll help retain semen.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/5/4/906754.jpg)
Piss Is the Answer to Everything
![CRACKED Pliny the Elder believed urine could cure everything from headaches to tumors. Не claimed that female infertility could be cured by drinking the pee of a eunuch, while drinking horse or bull piss would make anyone hornier.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/5/3/906753.jpg)
You Can Slowly Build a Baby by LEGOing Jizz
![CRACKED The Arapesh people of Papua New Guinea believed that babies were built over time and repeated sexual intercourse, with semen and menstrual blood slowly amassing and forming an infant body. That's a lot of jizz!](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/4/6/906746.jpg)
Paternity Is in the Mind of the Beholder
![CRACKED The Tiwi people of Australia believed that children were conceived during dreams, and whoever a pregnant woman had had sex with - and they had sex with whoever they wished - was immaterial, as her husband was the father. Quite sweet really.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/5/2/906752.jpg)
Nothing Will Get You in the Mood Like Pig-Ball Wine
![CRACKED A 15th-century treatment for infertility involves drying out a pig's testicles, grinding them and mixing them with wine, then drinking the resulting dirty nut cocktail for three days. If you aren't ovulating just at the thought, there's no hope.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/5/0/906750.jpg)
If Your Womb’s Wandering, Kill a Canine
![CRACKED Another ancient Greek belief was that the womb would move around in the body, ending up in silly places. The answer? Kill a puppy, put it in a jar and heat it up, piping the resulting fumes into the vagina.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/5/1/906751.jpg)
Water’s Breaking? Fetch the Goose Jizz!
![CRACKED Goddamn it, Pliny the Elder. His suggestion for getting a difficult birth back on track involves drinking goose semen. Diluted, of course - he wasn't a maniac.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/4/4/906744.jpg)
More Barfing Means More Babies
![CRACKED One ancient Egyptian method for knowing how many children a woman would have involved making her sit in a pile of dirt, beer and old fruit. The number of times she vomited was the number of babies she would have. Of course!](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/4/2/906742.jpg)
The Wild Spunk Theories of the Triangle King
![CRACKED Pythagoras believed that semen originated somewhere entirely separate to the testicles: the brain. Не believed it traveled the body acquiring knowledge, and wasting it essentially drained you of intelligence.](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/4/3/906743.jpg)
It’s All About That Sweet Spermy Stink
![CRACKED One medieval theory went that the role of semen was to smell great and stimulate women into spontaneously becoming pregnant. It doesn't stand up to much experimentation, really, does it?](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/7/4/5/906745.jpg)