15 Pieces of Pop-Culture History You Can Own If You’re Obscenely Wealthy or Simply Unwell
Um, actually, we’re buying celebrity underwear for movie prop preservation purposes
![15 Pieces of Pop-Culture History You Can Own If You’re Obscenely Wealthy or Simply Unwell](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/5/8/6/909586_320x180.jpg)
You can see why some pop-culture artifacts end up changing hands for absurd amounts of money. Peter Jackson — of Lord of the Rings fame — paid $805,000 for the car used in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and why not? It’s a charming film, a big awesome-looking prop and he’s richer than most countries.
You can absolutely see why people would pay enormous amounts of cash for R2-D2, or Marilyn Monroe’s dress from The Seven-Year Itch — these are iconic pieces of pop culture, immediately and eternally recognizable.
But there are people who shell out huge sums for far less notable items. Whether due to opportunity, creepiness or just having too much money, chunks of cash regularly change hands in exchange for fairly questionable stuff.
One Pricey Paragraph
![The piece of acetate with the crawl from The Empire Strikes Back (beginning It is a dark time for the Rebellion...) sold for $46,000 in 2011. It's a piece of cinematic history, but also one sheet of acetate. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/9/906009.jpg)
Chasing That Money
![Last month Chevy Chase announced he was selling scraps from his SNL Land Shark costume, a steal at a mere $500 for a tiny piece of sponge and a scrawled signature. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/1/0/906010.jpg)
![The dance floor from Saturday Night Fever - not a costume, not a prop, the actual floor - was auctioned off for $1.2 million in 2017. Where do you even keep that? CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/8/906008.jpg)
Russell Crowe
![When Russell Crowe divorced, he auctioned off props he'd accumulated over the years. This included a breastplate from Gladiator (which went for $117,000) and, less wall-friendly, a leather jockstrap from Cinderella Man ($6,500), purchased by John Oliver. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/7/906007.jpg)
What Are You ‘NSyncing?
![Back in prehistoric 2000, a teenaged Justin Timberlake fan paid $1,025 for two slices of slightly burned French toast the singer failed to finish one morning. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/4/906004.jpg)
Good Value? No It’s Snot
![A tissue that Scarlett Johansson blew boogers into once changed hands for $5,300. The money went to charity - she wasn't hocking mucus to pay the bills or anything - but still. Gross. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/5/906005.jpg)
What a Bra-Gain
![It's possible that the winning bidder paying $3,175 at auction for a sports bra worn by Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook wasn't buying it for incredibly creepy reasons, but it seems unlikely. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/2/906002.jpg)
Piss Me Out, Scotty
![William Shatner passed a kidney stone filming Boston Legal, then sold it for Habitat for Humanity. It raised $25,000, Shatner joking, This takes organ donors to a new height, or a new low, maybe. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/6/906006.jpg)
What a Racket
![S 100 OC When Serena Williams lost the 2018 U.S. Open final to Naomi Osaka, she smashed her racket in fury. $20,910 would be a lot for a broken racket even if she'd won, but for a useless, losing one? Woof. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/3/906003.jpg)
You Can’t Put a Price on Talons
![One fake nail of Lady Gaga's - just one fake nail of at least 10 on her at the time - sold for $12,000 in 2013. If she went bowling after a show, that's 36k within the ball. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/9/9/8/905998.jpg)
On Her Majesty's Secret Genitals
![Whether for historical reasons or unthinkably sinister ones, in 2015 a private collector paid £12,090 for a pair of underpants worn by Queen Victoria when she was around 60. You do you, bud. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/9/9/7/905997.jpg)
The Toast with the Most
![A piece of toast with the Australian condiment Vegemite on it and a bite taken out by One Direction's Niall Horan - who spat it out, horrified by its overwhelming saltiness - reached bids of over AU$100,000. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/9/9/9/905999.jpg)
Are You Braid of Money?
![Willie Nelson's braids - which, admittedly, you could probably smoke - sold for $37,000 in an auction of Waylon Jennings' property. They were given to Jennings in 1983 as a reward for sobriety, which is both generous and not. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/1/906001.jpg)
Underpants Soiled by the Pelvis of Elvis
![A pair of tighty-whities worn by Elvis were set to change hands in 2012, but the reserve price of £7,000 wasn't met. The reason was probably that they looked like they'd been pissed, shit and jizzed in. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/9/9/6/905996.jpg)
Britney Spears’ Pregnancy Test, Sold by an Asshole to an Asshole
![In 2005, some absolute dirtbag plucked a pregnancy test used by Britney Spears from the trash and sold it. It ended up being resold, raising $5,001 for a charity that would probably rather people not be so shitty. CRACKED](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/0/906000.jpg)