13 Ancient Bits Of Trivia We Discovered Lying Dormant Deep Beneath A Polar Ice Cap That We Have Determined We Have The Capability To Revive, But Simply Do Not Have The Time To Consider Whether We Indeed Should

Ah, the wonders of trivia! It's the kind of knowledge that can spark a conversation, lead to a heated debate, or just make you look really smart. We've all had those moments when we've been asked a question, and we've had to rack our brains to come up with the answer. But no more! For here, we have gathered together 13 of the most phenomenally fascinating pieces of trivia that you will ever encounter.
From Alfred Hitchcock's million-dollar payday to Ikea rugs with a Westeros twist, these pieces of trivia will have you questioning what you thought you knew about the world. Did you know that sperm whales are the noisiest animals on Earth? Or that James Gandolfini was offered a role in the American version of The Office, but was paid not to take it?
So, without further ado, let us dive into the depths of these 13 phenomenally fascinating pieces of trivia. We guarantee that you will come out the other side with a newfound appreciation for the world around us - and maybe even a few new facts tucked away in your brain!
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Money talks, but Hitchcock didn't.

Ikea rugs: now with a Westeros twist.

Overfished to Oblivion

Noisy whales: 235 decibels.

Steve Aoki

Italian immigrants invented pepperoni in New York City.

Gandolfini: paid not to work.

Deadly Intentions.

"Harbingers of failure" identified.

College Basketball

Jet Li: Too Smart for CGI.

HP Secrets

Continental drift: Australia's slow shuffle.