13 Inane Rules From TV And Movie Sets

By now, we’ve all pretty much surmised that “creative types” are a tad needy. Not just for our attention, but for their environments to be “just right.” The billions of other people who don’t work in the entertainment industry would never dream of bursting through those office doors for the first time and proclaiming a list of rules for everyone else to follow. Because, sure, the industry puts directors, producers and “stars” on a pedestal, but when you think about it, they’re all just getting a paycheck from the big bosses like everybody else.
Okay, so those checks might be for a lot more than the rest of the crew’s, but should that really allow you to pile on even more rules to an already rule-ridden set? Unless they’re complete rookies, actors and crew members generally know how to act on set, but hey, maybe at some point some rookies stepped so far out of line that the higher ups had to make sure future crews knew not to fuck around. Either way, here are 13 inane rules from TV and movie sets that you best not even think of breaking.
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Steven Soderbergh’s sets are the exact opposite of Tarantino’s.

Okay, this one’s just cute.

Everyone! Care about this as much as I do!

Anything else, Christopher?

You know this is all make-believe, right? Right?

Touchstone Pictures
Smartphones had to catch up with you one day, Terrence.

You know it’s a pretty popular name, right?

Reality shows gotcha for life!

Seems like “happy place” can mean a lot of different things.

Paramount Pictures
Before you re-enter society, we’ll help get Gordon Ramsey out of your nightmares.

Ugh! Time to film this little cameo thing, er whatever.

All this chit chat ends today!

Just make it seem like you’re having a good time, then fuck off.