13 Movies and TV Shows They Literally Couldn't Make Today

Shifting values, social norms, and cultural sensitivities are at the forefront of basically every conversation in the past few years. While salty uncles and big city nieces who came home for Thanksgiving are just duking it out over stuffing, the entertainment industry is actually having a pretty similar battle. We can go on and on about themes and jokes in movies and shows that can’t be made anymore, but you can just go listen to absolutely every podcast right now for that. We’d like to focus our energy on movies that, if pitched today, would get laughed out of the office, and movie productions that, if staffed by a competent 1st AD, would end careers and land people in jail.
That’s what was most shocking about the movies of old. Like, killing animals and people was legal back then because the killings just so happened to take place on a movie set? There’s no way movie-making was on that high of a pedestal. Was it? We’ve all heard of those “anything for the shot” type directors, but some of these filmmakers were straight up monsters. Here are 13 movies that they literally couldn’t make today.
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Not only one of the worst movies of all time, but one of the most lethal.

Tomorrow Never Dies

Herzog winning Best Director at Cannes was salt in the wound.

Especially for an entire movie!

Kids Movies

Easy Rider

How expensive could two people talking in a coffee shop be?!

Man, Hitchcock was a complete psycho.

There are jokes from old movies that wouldn’t fly today… But the entire plot?!

Unions exist for a reason, people.

No animals were harmed, eh?! Explain all these scenes in the movie then!

In 1983, a stay-at-home dad was comedy gold.