12 Astounding Comedy Heel Turns

On the whole, comedians have always held a unique, ticklish little place in our hearts, but a very select few blow the hell up and capture all of our hearts completely. For a time, that is. So what happened? How did our collective adoration of a great comedian turn to a collective eye-roll, head-shake, and dare we say, straight up disdain?
They transcended the world of comedy and became pop culture icons along with world renowned actors and musicians, but as they’d quickly learn, fame is a double-edged sword. The eyes aren’t just watching you on stage… They’re watching your every move. So you better be a genuinely decent person and meet a few criteria. 1) Have nothing sinister to hide. 2) Don’t let fame and wealth go directly to your head. 3) Don’t think that just because we like your jokes, we’ll get on board with any ridiculous political agenda or hate speech you start spewing. If only these comedians had those rules in their back pockets. Here are 13 once-loved comedians who completely fell from grace (and why).
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Heyyy, that looks a lot like a comedian we once adored.

A meteoric rise and a meteoric fall.

Sorry Michael, it’s impossible to come back from this one.

Carlos Mencia

Some careers were made on Trump jokes. Others were completely destroyed.

Roseanne may not have gotten 10 seasons if Twitter existed in the 90s.

Fawlty Ideals.

Fatty Arbuckle

That whole “be kind” motto was all for show.

We liked his biting delivery back then, but man he’s getting way too crabby.

Everybody’s jumping ship, Graham.

Maybe after The Animal, he was wary of “experimentation.”