13 Moments from Lighthearted Movies That Are Pretty Fucked Up in Retrospect

As grown ups (technically), it’s much easier to notice the moments in our favorite childhood movies that were also trying to appeal to our parents. They loved to throw in cute little innuendos or jokes that would sail right over our heads to hopefully zing the adults in the room. The recurring question is, “How adult is too adult?” We may not have picked up on it as kids, but maybe we got a little nostalgic, or had kids of our own, and stumbled upon a cloudy, even sleazy theme just under the surface.
We always hear about the “tone” of a movie. From what we gather, the tone is like the constant reading of the overall vibe. How is the audience supposed to feel during this movie? We’re supposed to feel happy, then sad, then overwhelmingly happy at the end, so anything that abruptly strays from that path can feel like the proverbial record-scratch. We may not have felt that at the time, but in retrospect, these 13 moments from lighthearted movies are actually pretty messed up.
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Yes, it’s a man’s body, but that’s a kid in there!

This could've been the O.G Toy Story, but noooooo!

We all know that Jerry has a dark side.

At least the kid in Big had a man’s body.

Kids and adults should not be put into these creepy situations.

Dan Akroyd’s ghost fantasy.

The bus driver wants to give what a try?

Somebody tell the Nanny that he’s 10, please!

Luring kids with lollipops?! Come on.

Miss Hannigan was bad, but she wouldn’t go as far as murdering the orphans.

Guys, no! She’s 13!!!

Nothing says “kids movie” like child abuse and wrongful imprisonment!