15 Novelizations That Shed New Light On Iconic Movie Characters

When referring to great pieces of writing, there’s an old adage that the words really jumped off the page. These are the books that usually end up becoming movies. And not just any old movies… Some of the most critically acclaimed and financially successful films were adaptations. But what about movie novelizations? How do they do? And how do they differ from what we just saw on the screen?
Movie adaptations tend to take a lot of shit, since fans of the books imagined the characters and “the world” one way, but it’s impossible for a film production to match every individual’s imaginations. It seems like the movie-to-book route would be an easier people pleaser, since we can already imagine the actor’s faces. Easy peasy. But a play-by-play retelling of the film would be pretty boring (and downright unnecessary). We want more! If you’re taking the trouble to novelize a movie, we better get new, intriguing information and/or more fleshed out scenes that the movie had to trim down. In that regard, these 12 movie novelizations definitely delivered.
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If you want a lot more Forrest, give Gump & Co. a read.

Of course he wasn’t named “Scar” at birth, then just so happened to get a scar.

Those walls were definitely unsexy.

From Love Story to Love Stories.

The Omen

Alien is the Ernest P. Worroll of space novelizations.

You want a lot more story? You got it!

Anything with more Marv is a win in our books.

Wait, Quentin wants to talk more about ‘70s Hollywood?!

Elektra is thick! The novel. The novel is much thicker than the screenplay.

Yeah, but reading “I’ll be back” just wouldn’t be the same.

From book to movie to book to 3 more sequels.