12 Times Wealthy Turds Screwed Over the Folks Who Built Their Fortunes or Saved Their Asses

Ah, the stories of the famous and the forgotten. Of those who have been wronged, and those who have wronged. Of those who have been saved, and those who have been betrayed. Of those who have achieved greatness, and those who have been denied their due
It is a sad truth of life that those with power and wealth often abuse it, taking advantage of those less fortunate than themselves. This list is a testament to that fact, highlighting 12 examples of rich douchebags who have screwed over people who helped them. From Ravichandran Tharumalingam, who was saved from a dangerous situation on Mount Everest, to Stan Lee, who fought for his rightful share of the money made from movies and TV shows based on his Marvel Comics character, these stories of injustice are all too common.
We can only hope that, in the future, those in power will think twice before taking advantage of those who have helped them.
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Ungrateful for heroic rescue.

Bonuses for bosses, layoffs for everyone else.

Polley's Greed Kills.

Tesla: no reward.

Stan Lee

Promises broken.

Abandoned Allies

Jobs: $5,000. Wozniak: $350.

Jackie Coogan

Roxanne cashes in.

Kroc cashes in.

Keya Morgan