13 Celebrities Who Got a Huge Paycheck for Doing Nothing

The idea of getting paid for not doing work may seem counterintuitive, but because of some crafty contracts negotiated by some of the top agents in the game, there are a lucky handful of celebrities and sports figures who cake some serious coin for couch-chillin’. Cue the jealousy from everyone else on planet Earth. Unless you’ve achieved enlightenment, and are no longer intrigued by the material world, you can’t help but wonder what kicking back with your feet up while seven, eight, or sometimes even nine figures magically appears in your bank account.
How?! How can someone be paid to NOT work?! We’ve heard of those mafia no-show jobs where mobsters are put on a huge construction job’s payroll as a way of showing legitimate income, but today we’re talking about those legitimate, legal fortunes. They’re the contracts that just keep on giving, and they somehow allowed these 13 incredibly fortunate celebrities to receive massive paychecks for doing nothing.
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Warner Bros. Television
They tried to not pay him for not appearing. Can you believe that B.S?

Warner Bros. Pictures
Marlon Wayans

Jaguar PS/Shutterstock,
Warner Bros.
Pro Baseball is notorious for paying players to sit on the bench.

Be honest Kim, you would’ve just been in that club anyways.

You can have our goalie if you help us pay for his hiatus.

Paid to wait by the phone.

Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock,
Paramount Pictures
Okay, so Paris probably had to say “That’s Hot” a couple times.

One actor for the price of two.

Warner Bros. Pictures
Man, watching pro hockey is a lot easier than coaching it.

Canadian Mets fans celebrate Bobby Bonilla Day and Canada Day on July 1st.

You guys go on without me.

Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock,
Universal Pictures
Nicolas Cage

Warner Bros. Pictures