13 Of The Most Off-the-Wall Punishments Judges Have Handed Out

One person was ordered by a judge to stand next to a sign saying "I am a bully."
13 Of The Most Off-the-Wall Punishments Judges Have Handed Out

It's no secret that the justice system is a complex and often unpredictable beast. From the most serious of crimes to the most minor of misdemeanors, the courts are tasked with making sure that justice is served. But sometimes, the punishments don't quite fit the crime. 

From the bizarre to the downright outrageous, here is a list of 13 of the strangest court sentences ever handed down. Some are funny, some are eye-opening, and some are downright outrageous. But one thing's for sure: you won't be able to look away. 

From a YouTuber who had to read out his sentence on camera to a man who was made to stand next to a pig with a sign saying "This is not a police officer" to a landlord who was stuck in one of his own run-down properties, these sentences will make you think twice about the justice system. So, without further ado, let's take a look at 13 of the strangest court sentences ever handed down.

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YouTuber pays the price.

CRACKED READING YOUR SENTENCE ON YOUTUBE EVERY WEEK A judge told Dalas Review, a Spanish YouTuber, that he had to read out his sentence for defamation on camera every week for a month (and pay his ex-girlfriend's dad almost $13,000 in compensation).


Man stands next to pig ... learns lesson?

CRACKED THIS IS NOT A POLICE OFFICER STANDING NEXT TO A PIG WITH A SIGN In 2002, a judge made a man stand next to a pig with a sign saying This is not a police officer as punishment for pleading guilty to disorderly conduct. The guy had called a cop a pig.


"Church instead of jail" sentence.

CRACKED GOING TO CHURCH FOR TEN YEARS In Muskogee County, Oklahoma, Judge Mike Norman gave a teen who admitted to manslaughter a ten-year sentence of going to church instead of going to jail.

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Walk it off.

CRACKED HAVING TO WALK 30 MILES In 2015, a judge in Ohio gave a 19-year-old girl a punishment of having to walk 30 miles as a consequence for not paying a $100 cab fare for a 30 mile ride.


Dad's emails: YELLING. Judge's ruling: Not cool.

CRACKED HAVING TO STOP SENDING EMAILS IN ALL CAPS One judge in England officially told a dad to stop sending emails to his kids in all caps, because it looked like he's yelling at them.


Classy Meek Mill

CRACKED HAVING TO TAKE AN ETIQUETTE CLASS In December 2020, Meek Mill, the rapper, was told by Judge Genece Brinkley that he had to take an etiquette class by August as part of his probation for a 2008 conviction for drug-dealing and gun possession.


No more pizza for you.

CRACKED NOT BEING ABLE TO ORDER PIZZA AGAIN A judge in Florida said that the man who had been accused of making harassing phone calls to pizzerias was not allowed to order pizza for delivery anymore as part of his release.


Landlord gets stuck in own run-down property.

CRACKED HAVING TO LIVE IN THE SLUM YOU SLUMLORDED In 2008, a judge in Cleveland gave a landlord who had broken lots of rules in many of his rental properties the punishment of being stuck in one of the run-down places and fined him $100,000, to be used for repairs at his properties.

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