13 Of The Most Expensive Mistakes in History

California spent almost $10 billion on a rail system and didn't lay a single mile of track.
13 Of The Most Expensive Mistakes in History

Ah, the perils of big money projects. From the failed streaming service Quibi to the disastrous merger between AOL and Time Warner, from the costly and complex Big Dig in Boston to the over-budget Joint Strike Fighter program, it seems that when it comes to spending money, there are no guarantees of success. It's a lesson we've all learned the hard way, and it's a lesson that's been repeated time and time again. 

We all know that money can't buy happiness, but it sure can buy a lot of things. And sometimes, it can even buy failure. In this list, we'll take a look at thirteen massive projects that blew fortunes, and how they ended up costing their investors and creators a lot more than they bargained for. These are the stories of projects that seemed like a good idea at the time, but ended up costing a lot of money and leaving behind a trail of destruction. So, if you're in the mood for a cautionary tale, read on.

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Marriage of convenience, disastrous consequences.

CRACKED TIME WARNER AND AOL MERGER Time Warner and AOL got married in 2000, but it was a disaster. AOL had to write off almost $99 billion of Time Warner's value in 2002, and its worth dropped from $226 billion to only $20 billion. It's seen as one of the worst business decisions ever. AOL Time Warner $206 billion

CBS / Time 

Iraq Reconstruction

CRACKED IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION A lot of the money the U.S. spent to fix up Iraq, which was around $60 billion, was misused, according to a report to Congress from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Up to $60 billion


Olympic dreams, Olympic debt.

CRACKED BOSTON'S 2024 OLYMPIC BID Boston's 2024 Olympic bid ended up costing them a lot of money. They were left with a debt of around $3.5 million and still had to pay employees, consultants, and vendors over $4 million. $4+ million BOSTON 2024 BOSTON TD GARDEN 2024 GARDEN GARDE BOSTON 2024


Enormous Military Spending

CRACKED FIVE U.S. ARMY PROJECTS The U.S. Army spent a whopping $30 billion on five weapons projects that didn't work out between 1989 and 2019. These included the Brilliant Anti-Tank Munition, the RAH-66 Comanche Stealth-Chopper, and the Crusader Self-Propelled Howitzer. $30 billion

NY Times 

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