13 Massive Scandals That Look Downright Quaint By Modern Standards

Time is a funny thing. The first audible curse words in film occurred in 1929’s Glorifying the Girl, and those “curse words” were just quaint. It’s easy to see how the times have changed over the better part of a century, but as we’ve learned from this list, many more recent scandals that were once deemed, well, scandalous, are now commonplace in pop culture. Countless podcasts will tell you that censorship was once synonymous with “the right,” but more and more “the left” has been keeping the status quo in check. We’ll just stick to the sassy fun facts and opt out of torching the comment section with a political stance of our own.
Get to the list? Okay, okay, we’re on it. We just thought it was funny that a whole lot of “controversy” was drummed up over something that would be laughed off or eye-rolled today. While perusing, take a moment to think of the angry letters, the picket signs, and the raised blood pressure over these 12 massive scandals that look downright quaint by modern standards.
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How dare you speak ill of war in a post-911 world!


Popular music has gotten a whole lot more sexualized in the last 2 decades.

Now, Rage Against the Machine, no overtly political stuff tonight, okay?

A huge accomplishment for fart songs everywhere.

‘Merica loves their Jesus, you crazy Brit!

What, you can’t joke about weed and the crucifixion anymore?

Miley Cyrus

Elvis Costello

Caffeine pills?! What is this, Saved by the Bell?

It’s near-impossible to get your Grammy revoked, but they pulled it off.

A lot has changed for pot smokers in the last 30 years.