12 Fictional Workplaces That Should Have Unionized

How many zany workplace antics can these unfortunate employees handle?! As hilarious as these shows are, their staff takes a lot of flack from bosses, corporate, and the overall “workplace culture.” Quitting would be the right move in real life, but for the characters to quit, it’d mean they were probably getting written off the show. We’ve all had that classic fantasy job-quit, and maybe one day we’ll actually develop a spine, hold our heads high, and snag one last bag of Cheez-Its on our Irish-Goodbye outta this dump! One day… One day.
If quitting isn’t an option, maybe unionizing could be a huge step towards fair pay and fair treatment! A keg of beer almost got the Springfield Power Plant to give in, but Lisa’s dental plan (you read that in Lenny’s voice, didn’t you?) got Homer to fight for their rights! Some of them did, and some got very close, but for the sake of these poor, poor fictional employees, all 12 of these fictional workplaces should have unionized.
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Lou Grant

Jack Donaghy would be a terrible boss in real life.

Man, we’re glad Peter got outta that place.

If Vogue actually unionized, its fictional counterpart should too!

Imagine picket signs reading, “We want to breathe! We want to speak!”

Not even Lois cares about Peter’s dilemma.

Dental plan! Lisa needs braces! You read those in Lenny and Marge’s voices, didn’t you?

We get it Cox, you don’t like women.

They tried. Give ‘em points for that.

The French version of The Devil Wears Prada.

If you think about it, Leslie would be a nightmare to work for.

Ava Eva Coleman makes no attempt to hide her unprofessionalism.