13 Bizarre, Outlandish Events That Make the Gathering of the Juggalos Look Like the U.N.

Welcome, dear reader, to a world of weird and wonderful events and gatherings held around the world. From the Great Gathering of Kyles in Texas to the Naked Pumpkin Run in Colorado, you will be amazed at the strange and unique events that people come up with. We have compiled a list of thirteen of the most peculiar events and gatherings that you can find around the globe.
From the Lions Beer Can Regatta in Darwin, Australia to the Small Foods Party in Baltimore, Maryland, you’ll be surprised at the lengths people will go to in order to have a good time. We’ve also included some of the more traditional events, like the Scottish Gathering and Highland Games in Texas and the Cheese Rolling at Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire, England.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into the weird and wonderful world of events and gatherings held around the world. We hope you enjoy the ride!
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Pantsless Tube-riding, now a tradition.

Texas’ annual Scottish extravaganza: Kilt-clad knees and all.

Salado Museum and College Park (via Atlas Obscura)
Prison Rodeo

Celebrating food, community, and togetherness.


Celebrating fertility with steel phalluses.

Kyles Unite.

"Dream Machines" race in Port Townsend since 1983.

fabianily (via Atlas Obscura)
Small bites, big impact.

Duck Tape: It’s a thing.

Cardboard carnage in Melbourne.

Campbell Manderson (via Australia Broadcasting Corporation)
Cans, thongs, and Ironmen: the Darwin Regatta.